i’ve had my run, baby i’m done. i want to go home…

actually, xanga. its you. its time for me to go. thank you for a good run. it was fun, wasnt it?

this is me, signing off. you can find me at http://therewillbejoy.blogspot.com/ .

much love. PEACE!!

does anyone read this anymore…or is it utterly pointless to write here?

where have all you gone? where can i write where you will read?

please let me know.

restore to me the joy of your salvation, O God.
replace in me the love of your redemption, through your blood
i fall at your feet, and cry holy. i have nothing to give, but my life…

here it is.

so take me and make me like you.
change me and mold me into who you are.

i feel as though i should write something. but the more i think about it, the more i find that words are simply insufficient at a time like this. so whats the point…?